1,233 days
29,568 hours
1,774,080 minutes
106,444,800 seconds

that is how long I have been the YW President of the Corpus Christi First Ward, Corpus Christi, Texas Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

To use the word "BEEN" is extremely hard.  As of today I have been released of my duties.  This is such a bitter sweet moment.  I am so sad to leave my ducklings behind.  I have given this calling all my love, sweat, power, concern, might and mind for the last 3 1/2 years. I have had some wonderful experiences over the years. This has been one of the hardest callings I have ever had, but I am so grateful that Heavenly Father trusted me for such a long time to guide and lead these amazing youth.  I am truly blessed and a better person because of this calling.

The bitter part about it is that even though I feel as if I have done everything I could have, it was not good enough for some.  It amazed me how fast people turn on you when its to their advantage.  I was so so so sad to leave my YW behind, but what I struggled with the most is that I had such a strong certainty that I knew who needed to be in the program after me.  Maybe it was just me wishing and thinking, but boy I really am sure it was a personal revelation to ensure me that everything would be ok.  But as we all know its not our will its Heavenly Fathers will.  So I guess that was another lesson I am to learn.  I pity with those who think this is an easy calling, those that think they can do it without help, I would know, I was there once.

On the sweet side I was called into the Stake Young Women's!  YIKES! Honestly I feel to young to have a stake calling, but then again I felt to young when I was called as the Ward YW President!  I gladly excepted the calling, and think this will make the transition out of my ward YW's soo much easier.  I don't feel overwhelmed with this calling at all.  For the last few years there have been things I really wish the Stake YW's would do.  Things that I feel would help the YW Presidents of the Units out so much.  I am excited to get those types of things started.  Also, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the women I am serving with.  They are truly righteous women of our Heavenly Father.  I am so blessed and honored to serve with them.

1 comment:

Selena said...

You will do well in your new calling. The YW in the whole stake will get to feel your love.